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Jenn’s Job Offer

I don’t want to go into too much detail, as she hasn’t accepted it yet and this is a public blog.

Good things:

  • The money. Good money. More than she was making at either of the banks.
  • It seems to be a job made for her. She gets to be a trainer, a manager, and still work with customers. Jenn thrives off of working with people.
  • And she will get to do some sales. The girl is a salesperson through and through!
  • Hours. Good hours. Very few if any evenings. No Sundays.
  • It is a small, yet growing company. We are kinda pissy towards huge corporations at the moment. Especially banks!
  • The owner of this small company, and my small company are best friends. Think back to the Tony Romo incident…yep, same guys.
  • Jenn smiled. She got all happy and excited when they offered her the job.

Not so good things:

  • No domestic partner insurance. But they are looking into it for next year.
  • I am going to miss Jenn. I am so used to having her home and at my beckon call.

But those two not so good things are totally outnumbered by the many good things. They are willing to negotiate her salary based on the fact that we will have to pay for insurance for me outside of their company. And missing Jenn, well it isn’t like I see her all day. I still work. And this gives me an opportunity to get my buns back in the kitchen and cook again! I love it when Jenn comes home from work to a clean house and dinner on the table (the coffee table, lest you think we actually use our dining room table for anything other than storage).

So, she will most likely be accepting this job in the very near future. There will be one less person in the unemployment line.

Lots and lots of


Do you ever have tons of stuff you want to blog about, but have no idea how to get the words to flow through your fingers? I’ve been avoiding my blog, and reading other people’s blogs for about two weeks now in an effort to not have to talk about what I actually want to talk about. I haven’t even Mingo Monday’d in two weeks. My goodness. I’d promise to get better, but I don’t make promises that I am not 100% sure that I can keep.

So…in those ever popular bullets, things I am trying to get myself to talk about:

  • Jenn has been offered a job. There are sub-bullets to this, but when I get to them, I’ll actually just write a whole post about it. In fact, I am going to try very hard to write about it tomorrow. Because it is 97% a very good thing.
  • I chickened out and we are not trying this cycle.
  • Poor Delaney is going to grow up someday with a bald spot on her head and when she asks why it is there, the only good answer anyone will be able to give her is “Aunt Heidi sniffed all your hair off.”
  • The girls softball team is 6-0. They rock.
  • Why can’t we all just get along? “We all” being people, my body parts, whatever.
  • I’m getting lost in myself again.
  • I think I need to up my Prozac. Or maybe start taking it regularly. It is pretty bad when you are so darn depressed you don’t even care to take the darn pill.
  • I can’t believe I just wrote darn. I’ve been hanging around children to long. Damn. There, I feel a bit better.
  • I filled out a form today and mailed it off asking for information about a local adoption group.
  • I wonder how long it will take Jenn and Lyz to realize what I just typed and wonder when I decided to take such a step. (they know the “thou shalt not talk about adoption for it makes Heidi feel like a quitter” rule.)
  • Jenn is going to be playing on a fast-pitch softball team this season. I am totally excited to watch her, but totally petrified that I might have to socialize.
  • I have a thousand other things which I want to write, but I just can’t get them out of my head. Soon. I promise.
  • And soon, I will read all of the 7 million blogs I am behind on.

Thank you for stopping by!

I went to the animal fair***

When you don’t have kids you can sometimes lose out on some of the fun activities that people with kids have an excuse to do. Which is why we so often borrow other peoples children. You know, to go to water parks…or kids museums??

We headed out to the Circus yesterday. I love me some circus. (Please don’t give me a hard time about animal cruelty.) I really didn’t think that it would be an issue with my head at all. But I spent a lot of time at the circus trying not to cry. There were so many adorable children looking at their parents and smiling with that thank you for bringing me here smile. I was sad. It was very sad to look at them and know that on our laps should have been an 11 month old. He should have been there smiling and watching and looking at the lights and being all excited.

Anywho…we still had a good time. Thankfully Avery wanted to sit on my lap for a little bit so I got to share some excitement with a child, just not my own.

Pictures?? I’ve got them 🙂


Penguins (aka clowns):

Guys on stilts:

Guys on motorcycles:

Kids eating cotton candy:

Kids being silly:

And people who were really only looking forward to lunch at Red Robin afterwards:

***Mom…it is a song we used to sing in Girl Scouts!!

I went to the animal fair***

When you don’t have kids you can sometimes lose out on some of the fun activities that people with kids have an excuse to do. Which is why we so often borrow other peoples children. You know, to go to water parks…or kids museums??

We headed out to the Circus yesterday. I love me some circus. (Please don’t give me a hard time about animal cruelty.) I really didn’t think that it would be an issue with my head at all. But I spent a lot of time at the circus trying not to cry. There were so many adorable children looking at their parents and smiling with that thank you for bringing me here smile. I was sad. It was very sad to look at them and know that on our laps should have been an 11 month old. He should have been there smiling and watching and looking at the lights and being all excited.

Anywho…we still had a good time. Thankfully Avery wanted to sit on my lap for a little bit so I got to share some excitement with a child, just not my own.

Pictures?? I’ve got them 🙂


Penguins (aka clowns):

Guys on stilts:

Guys on motorcycles:

Kids eating cotton candy:

Kids being silly:

And people who were really only looking forward to lunch at Red Robin afterwards:

***Mom…it is a song we used to sing in Girl Scouts!!

Just passing through the emotional tides

Seriously. I felt it all yesterday.

The Crankies: I’m only one person. I cannot do it all. I cannot make everyone happy at the same time, including myself.

The Thankfuls: Oh look…a new package in the mail…this one full of hcg drugs!!! Lori most certainly loves me.

The Fear: I hope I don’t let Lori and everyone else down if we don’t get pregnant, or kill yet another child.

The “oh forget it, let’s just not have kids”: Felt while walking through a carnival with teenagers everywhere. Teenagers. I don’t want one of them. I just want the cute kid…nothing past 12 thank you very much.

The “hmm, that one looks to be about 11 months old, I wonder if that is what Blue would look like now?”s: Self explanatory.

The severely happies: Watching Avery and Delaney have fun at the carnival.

The pride: Jenn has been invited to play on a women’s fast pitch softball team.

The sighs: I am so sick of being tired and tired of being sick.

The jealousies: Jenn and Lyz went for a jog last night. I wish I had the urge to do such a thing. I don’t think that even if I could breathe right I wouldn’t jog…just walking along behind them would be good enough for me. But it is so much more than that. I just don’t have the desire to fix myself. I want that urge like Jenn and Lyz had last night. (I don’t want to be pushed though either girls…I’ll just get the crankies back lol)

I just felt it all. And to be honest it was quite draining. I played with Avery and Delaney while Jenn and Lyz jogged. It was fun. Only 10 minutes, so it isn’t like that gave me the slightest hint at what motherhood is like. But it was really fun to juggle them. To make sure Delaney was happy while Avery and I did the “fill up the fishbowl with water and magic” dance for the goldfish she won at the fair (with Jenn’s help, if I don’t mention that Jenn will be sad). It was fun. I was kinda sad that Jenn and Lyz were back so quickly! But proud of them for being out there jogging!!

Anywho. I realize that this was a big old post about nothing, but I haven’t posted all week so I thought that I should write something. Something is better than nothing. Ramble ramble blah blah?

Just passing through the emotional tides

Seriously. I felt it all yesterday.

The Crankies: I’m only one person. I cannot do it all. I cannot make everyone happy at the same time, including myself.

The Thankfuls: Oh look…a new package in the mail…this one full of hcg drugs!!! Lori most certainly loves me.

The Fear: I hope I don’t let Lori and everyone else down if we don’t get pregnant, or kill yet another child.

The “oh forget it, let’s just not have kids”: Felt while walking through a carnival with teenagers everywhere. Teenagers. I don’t want one of them. I just want the cute kid…nothing past 12 thank you very much.

The “hmm, that one looks to be about 11 months old, I wonder if that is what Blue would look like now?”s: Self explanatory.

The severely happies: Watching Avery and Delaney have fun at the carnival.

The pride: Jenn has been invited to play on a women’s fast pitch softball team.

The sighs: I am so sick of being tired and tired of being sick.

The jealousies: Jenn and Lyz went for a jog last night. I wish I had the urge to do such a thing. I don’t think that even if I could breathe right I wouldn’t jog…just walking along behind them would be good enough for me. But it is so much more than that. I just don’t have the desire to fix myself. I want that urge like Jenn and Lyz had last night. (I don’t want to be pushed though either girls…I’ll just get the crankies back lol)

I just felt it all. And to be honest it was quite draining. I played with Avery and Delaney while Jenn and Lyz jogged. It was fun. Only 10 minutes, so it isn’t like that gave me the slightest hint at what motherhood is like. But it was really fun to juggle them. To make sure Delaney was happy while Avery and I did the “fill up the fishbowl with water and magic” dance for the goldfish she won at the fair (with Jenn’s help, if I don’t mention that Jenn will be sad). It was fun. I was kinda sad that Jenn and Lyz were back so quickly! But proud of them for being out there jogging!!

Anywho. I realize that this was a big old post about nothing, but I haven’t posted all week so I thought that I should write something. Something is better than nothing. Ramble ramble blah blah?

Jenn’s Birthday and Hershey’s Chocolate World

Jenn’s 34th Birthday

That is a cake made out of Long Johns. They are peanut butter and chocolate frosted doughnuts.

Avery got Jenn a SpongeBob cd…I’m not sure who was more excited about it!

We went to Shady Maple:

And much Beer Pong was played:

It was a Happy Birthday!!

Hershey’s Chocolate World
Lyz’s cousin Sarah came to visit. We met her last year in Florida and thought she was great fun!! So we all met up and went to Red Robin for lunch and then for a visit to Chocolate World.
My favorite part of Chocolate world is the cows…they sing such a happy little song:

We all enjoyed the Chocolate World Ride…especially the free chocolate bar at the end:

Joni, Sarah, Avery and Jenn also made some Hershey’s Kisses (Delaney just enjoyed the hat):

Jenn’s Birthday and Hershey’s Chocolate World

Jenn’s 34th Birthday

That is a cake made out of Long Johns. They are peanut butter and chocolate frosted doughnuts.

Avery got Jenn a SpongeBob cd…I’m not sure who was more excited about it!

We went to Shady Maple:

And much Beer Pong was played:

It was a Happy Birthday!!

Hershey’s Chocolate World
Lyz’s cousin Sarah came to visit. We met her last year in Florida and thought she was great fun!! So we all met up and went to Red Robin for lunch and then for a visit to Chocolate World.
My favorite part of Chocolate world is the cows…they sing such a happy little song:

We all enjoyed the Chocolate World Ride…especially the free chocolate bar at the end:

Joni, Sarah, Avery and Jenn also made some Hershey’s Kisses (Delaney just enjoyed the hat):

Mingo Monday

Once upon a time there was a garden (please ignore the weeds):

One day, a pretty pink flamingo moved into the garden:

She spent her days happily watching over the plentiful radishes, the bushel of carrots, the three peas, one row of corn and a pumpkin plant. Oh, and the grass, she watched over the grass too. But she was a lonely little flamingo. She hoped and wished and dreamed of having a friend to visit in the garden. Yes, an adorable three year old and her Mommy, Daddy, sister Baam (aka grandma) and Aunties would visit too. As would a big rottweiler who often helped to fertilize the garden.

One morning she woke up and looked around the garden…and was still alone. She sighed. Then she smiled when she saw her three year old friend coming to visit the garden with her Baam. She stood still and pretty while her friends visited and then relaxed when they walked away.

To her surprise they had left something behind after they visited!!

Pink flamingo was so excited to meet Blue flamingo. They are now boyfriend and girlfriend and will live happily ever after.

The End.