Our weekend of mommyhood.

(be warned…it is long!)
We had a blast!! Lyz and Chris dropped Delaney off around noon on Friday. Jenn and her played for the afternoon and then they came and picked me up at work. When they got there The Hotel’s maintenance supervisor was at the desk when Jenn set the carseat down. He looked at me and said “Wait? You adopted?” I answered back with a sarcastic yes and he got all teary eyed and then yelled at me for not telling him! I had to explain, but let me tell you that it felt soo good that he was so excited about us adopting. I guess that is another check in the adoption is okay category.

Jenn and I were taking the playing house bit very seriously. We wanted to experience what life is like with a child. So, we did what we would normally do…we went out to dinner! And survived! The waitresses cooed over her. The people near us told us how beautiful she is! Way too much fun.

We went to the grocery store with her and even that was fun. Of course Jenn and I love the grocery store anyway…but having Delaney there with us made it even better.

By then it was time for Delaney to go to bed. But she never did. I had borrowed a pack-n-play from the hotel and she fell asleep rather quickly, but we haven’t perfected the move from arms to pack-n-play. She woke up right away. Delaney doesn’t cry (well, now that they have the reflux under control). She was wide awake and happy as a lark! We all sat in bed playing.

What a beautiful face to look at, at 2am!
It was the first of two times that I cried. Her and Jenn were playing together and they were both giggling and Jenn looked so natural and happy. It made me a little sad. Honeydew and Delaney should be the same age. I ended up falling asleep and Jenn stayed up through the night with her. Very sweet of Jenn since I had to be at work at 7am.

All through the day while I was at work Jenn would send me pictures of what her and Delaney were doing.
Playing outside:

Eating Lunch:

When I got home we played for a little bit…and I got her addicted to drugs:

Then we took a bath. Baths are way fun. Delaney loves her some water. I am pretty sure by the end of the bath I had more water on me than was left in the sink!

(don’t worry, it was a brand new sponge)

Then we loaded up the car and headed off to go see some fireworks!!
Joni and Avery met us there as well as my friends Diane and Timmy:

Delaney loved the fireworks! The first one made her jump a little, but then she just stared at the bright lights in the sky!

Delaney fell asleep in the car on the way home from the fireworks. I was so nervous to move her from her carseat into the pack-and-play. I was sure she was going to wake up again. I felt bad for her getting no sleep! I got her out of her chair and she fussed a bit so I just stood there rocking her for a bit. That is when I cried the second time. She was so warm. She smelled so good. She fit so perfectly in my arms. I never wanted to put her down. She slept almost through the night. Jenn said she was up for about an hour around 4am.

Sunday when I got home from work Jenn and I rushed around the house loading up the car to go to a softball double header. Um, it takes a lot more to get out the door when you have a six month old in tow! We were late to Jenn’s game, but they totally understood when they saw us toteing an excersaucer, my chair, a diaper bag, cooler, bat bag, blanket and Delaney to the field!
We had fun watching Jenn:

Jenn had a really good game! She hit an awesome double in the first game! So proud of her!
When the game was over we loaded the car back up and took Delaney back home. I wish I would have had the camera in my hand when I opened the front door. Lyz came running down the hall with the most beautiful look on her face! She was so excited to see her baby!

Thank you so much Lyz and Chris for sharing Delaney with us!! We had way too much fun and it totally confirmed the fact that we want a child of our own! Thank you Delaney for spending the weekend with us! You were a pleasure to have!!

(ps, anyone wanna fill me in on how to post videos from Flickr onto WordPress?)

Mingo Monday

See…I told you that Mingo Monday would be back!!

Look Mingos!! Lots of Mingos!!

Oh, you can see them? That would be because Avery was using my back as a leg rest when she spent the night.

Here is a better picture:

They make sleeping more comfortable. Even if you don’t have a three and a half year old using you as a foot rest.

Playing House

Just a small warning before I even continue.  There will lots of talk of baby in the upcoming days.  As in a real live one.  Not that I don’t talk about kids all the time as we are attached to CLAD’s hip…but I just thought that I would give you an extra warning.

Why will I be all about the baby-talk??  Because Jenn and I will be playing house this weekend!!  We’ve kidnapped a baby!!  This cute little baby as a matter of fact:

(That would be her sound asleep in Jenn’s arms as I type this)

Delaney is ours for the weekend!! Lyz and Chris went to Ocean City for Chris’s baseball tournament and decided that they needed some alone time. Joni took Avery and we got Delaney. Actually we requested Delaney. We do love Avery and it is a blast when she spends the night, but we wanted a challenge!! We want to play mommy with someone who can’t call us Aunt Jenn and Aunt Heidi. We are willing to take Avery also should her meltdown of “I wanna spend the night at your house” continues this afternoon. Either way, it is going to be a total blast playing house for the weekend!

I will also admit to being nervous. I have often referred to myself as a “baby killer”. I joked even more about it right after Delaney was born. She would cry every single time I picked her up. I used to whisper into her ear that she shouldn’t be afraid, I only kill them while they are still in the womb. She doesn’t cry when I hold her anymore…but the whole “baby killer” thing still frightens me. She should be safe…Jenn will be there to counter-balance my curse!!

So just a reminder…I will be talking a lot about Delaney the wonder-baby and there will be lots of pictures. I will not be offended if you click away and ignore me for a few days. Please do come back on Monday when Mingo Monday is returning!!

Hope your weekend is as wonderful as I am hoping mine is!!

I Spoke Tooooo Soon

Jenn is unemployed again.

Yeah for having Jenn home!!!

Edited to add—It is all okay.  It is better this way.  I kinda lied with what I said earlier this morning.  Lyz and I could totally tell that Jenn wasn’t happy with the job, she was just putting on a good face because we needed that paycheck.  I am happy that her and the job have parted ways!!!

A bit of catching up.

First, I PROMISE that Mingo Monday will soon be returning on a full time basis.  I’m not sure if anyone actually misses it or not, but I do promise to get my butt back in gear and get it posted.  I have a great one planned already!!!

Second, it has been brought to my attention that some of you, well, the August Angels 2006 group (Hi everyone!!!) is concerned about my lack of talking about Jenn’s new job.  No, she has not been fired already.  She started last Wednesday after missing Monday and Tuesday being ill/them not being prepared for her.

For the most part she absolutley loves it!!  She likes the people she works with, she likes the customers, she likes what her job is.  There are a few downfalls of course.  The biggest one being that she has to go to work!  I’m going to bug her to blog more.  She needs to tell the tale of her job.  She was really excited last week when she was able to go out on the delivery truck with a driver and visit with some of the customers.  It will be even more fun for her once she actually starts doing her job instead of just following people around.

Third, Jenn can’t let me have all the fun.  I have mentioned that she is sick.  She finally decided to go to the doctor yesterday.  Walking Pneumonia.  Poor thing.  I joked with her after the appointment saying that she stole my thunder.  Here I was the sicky of the year with my regular pneumonia and she has to go get the walking variety.

Fourth, End of the softball season picnic!!  I will include more pictures in a password protected post.  This is part of the reason that I moved to WordPress.  It seems that people have been looking at my pictures of children in bathing suits in a disgusting manner.  There is no reason that a picture of a child in a swimsuit should get 71 hits in one day.  It disgusts me.  But here is a picture of the wonderful gift that the girls got for Jenn.  A baseball signed by all the girls:

Jenn can’t wait to put it on her desk at work!!

Fifth, I think that is all for right now!!  I am working on getting the background here changed.  It might include some flowers and ladybugs sitting on purple mushrooms.  I’m not sure yet.  We shall see what my genius friend does!!!  Thank you Heather!!!


As you can probabley tell by just the looks of the place, I have moved in, but have not yet decorated.  I’m not all that sure how.  The white background totally annoys me.  But, it will get there.  The move was way more important.

I do totally plan on explaining why I moved in a future post.  But I have a headache right now. I’m angry, sad, hurt and confused.  For now I am going to go to bed.  When I wake up in the morning it will be a brand new day.
So for now.  Thank you for following me.  Welcome to our new home.

Thinking of Blue Day

After much debate in our house, it has been decided that Blue gets two birthdays. We will celebrate with a cake on January 11th, the day he was actually born. But today, June 19th, his expected arrival date will be celebrated also. It is on my calendar as Thinking of Blue Day.

You want to know what is awesome? We aren’t the only ones with him on our calendar!! I got this wonderful email the other day:

Hi Heidi,

I only know you via blogs- but I sent you a little notice last year that June 19th happens to be my birthday (this year 42- ouch). I wanted to let you know Blueberry will be celebrated again with my birthday if it is ok with you. I feel we fellow Geminis (Here and in the afterlife gotta look out for one another). I know what it is like to loose a child and hope my remembrance of Blue is ok with you and you I know it is out of thinking it would have helped me a little.

I’ll be thinking of you all –


Happy Birthday to you Laura!! Thank you for making our Blue a part of your life too!!

And over at the Lost and Found and Connections Abound they have a Loss Remembrances section. I had struggled in my head over if I should put an announcement over there or not. See I am the Clicker for the GLBT section of the blogs, and I haven’t been doing a very good job. Imagine my surprise when reading the L&F the other day that the decision had been made for me:

LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)

  • Thinking Miracles will be remembering their unfulfilled due date this Friday. Please go over and give them support.

We miss him. I spent the car ride to work the other morning thinking of all the wonderful things that should be going on now. We should be getting ready to watch this amazing little boy smash into a birthday cake. We should be crying with joy as he takes his first steps.

So many things we have and will miss with our precious son. Our son. He was to be ours to hold. Ours to show off. Ours to kiss booboos and take places and dress in cute little outfits. At Babies R (Not For) Us the other day they had a whole bunch of cute boys outfits that were totally my style. I could totally see Jenn and I dressing Blue in them. Plaids and Skulls and just fun boy stuff. It is amazing. Before I was pregnant with him I had hoped and prayed for girls, I know what to do with girls. But once I was pregnant, and quickly knew that Blue was a boy, I wouldn’t have traded our little boy for the world!! I often worry that he felt he wasn’t wanted. Like he heard me saying that I only want girls. I hope he knows I love him more because he is a boy.

We miss you Blue. We will never stop. Your teddy bear goes with us everywhere. His are the hands we hold when we wish so badly to hold yours. We love you so much. From the first moment we laid our eyes on you and your happy dancing:

Until the moment we meet again. You will always be our firstborn son. Your mommies love you Blue. Don’t you ever forget that.


I am stealing from my dear Mrs. Spit.

How to play:
Type “unfortunately” and your name into google. Really, it’s that simple.

Unfortunately, Heidi & Spencer Return Swine Free.

unfortunately Heidi chose to take the paths more often travelled rather than the one less travelled

Unfortunately Heidi (who until meeting him seemed like a decent chick who had all her natural body parts, was a bit ditzy, a little annoying

And my personal favorite…
unfortunately heidi may be trapped ….. wake up and smell the man stink heidi.

Why does Heidi Montag-Pratt have to be so popular right now?? She is ruining a good name!!!

Felling proud of myself. But that all may change tomorrow.

Jenn is sound asleep next to me, finally. We’ve been sick round these here parts. I swear this is the year of the sickies!! It is getting really old.

We had a busy day today. I worked in the morning while Jenn ran a few errands. She picked me up after work and we headed over to the Landii’s. There we split. Jenn went with Chris and the girls to another softball game. They won this one!! Yeah Fire!! Lyz, Joni and I went to Tara’s baby shower!

This is why I am proud of myself. I felt great. It was wonderful!! I went to a baby shower! Not only that, but I went to Babies R (not for) Us before the shower and had fun!! Thank you for inviting me Tara. A lot of people would be afraid to invite a bitter infertile to their baby shower! I am very thankful you did, and very excited to bring you Cheeseburger Pie and meet little Carter when he is born.

When we got home I did have a melt down of classically huge proportions. I have tomorrow off from work. Tomorrow is also Jenn’s first day back to work. What an odd day it will be. We are both very excited about this new job, but Jenn has basically been home with me for a year! She’s always been available if I need her. It is going to be very odd. Although I do look forward to totally hogging the bed all morning long and sleeping until noon!! (that will totally make the day go faster).

Jenn-I wish you the best of luck at work tomorrow. I know you are totally going to rock at this job. You are going to meet lots of new wonderful people. Ignore the other stresses in our life right now, and focus on how excited you are about this job! I love you my sweet little Teapot!! Thank you for being so awesome!!