an email sent this morning….

Me-Um, just realized that my beta is scheduled for 11/11. I thought we all took a vote and decided that the government was going to ban all 11’s from the calendar??? *

L-Um, no, this is a good sign. This is two 11’s, and Avery was due on 11/11. See, that’s some kind of sign.

Me-lol, you are so full of crappy positivity aren’t you?

*-Blue and 11’s are always together…
Cycle started 9/11
First BFP 10/11
Born 1/11
Buried 3/11

Happy 3rd Birthday Avery!!

What does a little three year old need more than anything else in the world???

Why three birthday parties of course!!


Jenn went with to this one (I was stuck at work) and they had fun winning lots and lots of tickets for Avery.

We got her olives (she really likes to stick them on all her fingers and then eat them–it makes Olive Garden her favorite place to eat)

This party was for the kids (and the Jenn’s, Chris’s and Delmar’s out there)

#2-The big family party
We both got to go to this one, and had lots of fun. Avery is big into dinosaurs right now.

The whole family (Including tadpole in Lyz’s belly)

#3-Chocolate World, Red Robin, a third cake
We got to go today to Chocolate World at Hershey Park followed by Red Robin.(or the code phrase of CW at HP followed by RR)
Jenn and Avery at Chocolate World:

Avery and I on the Chocolate Tour:

The 3rd Cake:

Me and Avery playing with one of her new toys:

Happy Birthday to my favorite three year old. You brighten my day, make me smile, and your hugs are better than gold!!


60.7 million swimmers are on their way


Those are the best numbers we have ever had. Wow.

Hopefully they are all swimming away to their goal.

Now I just have to wait two weeks to see if they were able to achieve their goal!!

(There will be no testing until November 10th. I am throwing a baby shower on the 9th and can’t let myself be in a mood while I am throwing it.)

Mingo Monday

For our next show and tell I offer you a picture of the picture that started the obsession into full swing. After Aunt Kari gave me 50 flamingos it was often joked about that I love flamingos, but nothing was ever done about it. I didn’t buy them by the dozens, and other people didn’t come back from where ever they vacationed with flamingo knicknacks for me. I didn’t get a minimum of 4 flamingos for every birthday like I do now.

One Saturday, in lets say in the Summer of 1998, Lyz and Chris called us after a busy day of garage saleing to see if we were home…they had the garage sale find to beat all garage sale finds and just had to show it to us.

To be honest, I was a little sad. Working in the hotel industry=working on weekends. There are very few Saturdays that I get to have off to be able to go garage saleing. I was jealous. The mean green monster flared in my eyes. I spent the next 20 minutes imagining what wonderful object they were going to bring up my stairs.

This is what they brought:

It is a 3feet by 4feet original chalk drawing of a flamingo. What makes it even more fantabulous is the gaudy gold frame. It is simply perfect. It started the collection of flamingos, which became our bathroom decor for several months…months you ask?? It quickly outgrew the bathroom.

Thank you Lyz and Chris for starting the collection. I’m not sure Jenn thanks you as much, but I sure do!!

Mingo Monday

For our next show and tell I offer you a picture of the picture that started the obsession into full swing. After Aunt Kari gave me 50 flamingos it was often joked about that I love flamingos, but nothing was ever done about it. I didn’t buy them by the dozens, and other people didn’t come back from where ever they vacationed with flamingo knicknacks for me. I didn’t get a minimum of 4 flamingos for every birthday like I do now.

One Saturday, in lets say in the Summer of 1998, Lyz and Chris called us after a busy day of garage saleing to see if we were home…they had the garage sale find to beat all garage sale finds and just had to show it to us.

To be honest, I was a little sad. Working in the hotel industry=working on weekends. There are very few Saturdays that I get to have off to be able to go garage saleing. I was jealous. The mean green monster flared in my eyes. I spent the next 20 minutes imagining what wonderful object they were going to bring up my stairs.

This is what they brought:

It is a 3feet by 4feet original chalk drawing of a flamingo. What makes it even more fantabulous is the gaudy gold frame. It is simply perfect. It started the collection of flamingos, which became our bathroom decor for several months…months you ask?? It quickly outgrew the bathroom.

Thank you Lyz and Chris for starting the collection. I’m not sure Jenn thanks you as much, but I sure do!!

Public Service Announcement: Target Pumpkins are Bad for your Health

I have spent the last 45minutes trying to find a picture of the offensive pumpkin, but I cannot. So…here is my pathetic example.

You know those pumpkins that you can buy at most stores that are hard foam and painted and already carved and already have a light bulb shoved up their butt??? I’ve always wanted one and we have a blank spot in our outdoor Halloween decorations. We were at Target the other day and they had a bunch of cute ones, for a rather reasonable price so we threw 4 into the cart. One of the four was a little one that didn’t have a plug-in light, but required batteries for it to light up. So while waiting in line to check-out I flipped it over to see what kind of batteries we needed, since Target is nice enough to line their check-out aisles in things you forgot while you were shopping around such as batteries.

This is what I found on the bottom of the pumpkin:

Since the picture is small and fuzzy (cameraphone), here is what it says:

PROP 65 WARNING. This product contains chemicals including lead, known in the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects of other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.

Wanna know how quick those pumpkins were out of my cart?

I am flabbergasted. Seriously? I cannot believe that they would sell something like that. As I almost literally threw the pumpkins out of the cart the woman behind me asked what was wrong. I explained and she joined me in my freakout.

Here I am in the midst of trying to make a baby and I had my hands all over those pumpkins!!!! I know, I know, I am overreacting a bit. But still. Reproductive Harm??? As if I wasn’t scared enough about harming futurebaby.


I can’t breathe.

I did great this morning…I was blowing sunshine and rainbows out my rear after the appointment. And right up until they called me with the instructions.

Got poked. Then went for the ultrasound. Right ovary is officially out of the game.

Left had 7 measurable. 12, 13.1, 13.2, 14.6, 17.3, 18.5. Ultrasound tech even said out loud to me “Looks like you may be triggering tonight”. I thanked her as that is the first real hint of a clue anyone has given me this cycle. They’ve all just been telling me what I need to know, and not giving any further information.

Then I waited for the phone call.

Amy the awesome lab tech says Yeah!!! You’re ready to go. Trigger tonight around 9pm, IUI Monday and Tuesday.

What? I thought it was 12 and 36 hours post trigger, not 36 and 58 hours post trigger?

Nope, not with injectables they said. And since I have no prior experience with injectables except for Lyz (who did manage to get pregnant that cycle) who went to the same doctor and was told the same thing, I have to just accept it.

Anyone got any advice? Is this right?

(silver lining, only one shot tonight, then my poor skin is off duty for a month…hopefully more)

I may be getting a little tired of this roller coaster.

So, another round of bloodwork and ultrasound this morning. In which the ultrasound tech (who has zero personality I might add) says:

“You are polycystic, even if the doctors haven’t told you that, you are”

Oh. Well then, why am I not on metformin????????????

Right ovary-2 little ones 9ish
Left ovary-6 follies measuring–11, 12.4, 12.6, 13, 14.2, 10.

I begin to panic. So, my right ovary died, and the other side barely grew?? And I’m polycystic (which I until I started going to this doctor I had assumed-because of facial hair, skin tags, irregular periods, overweight, etc.etc., but they say no.)

I proceed to freak out on Jenn in the car on the way home. I owe her a public apology for that. Sorry that you are my punching bag. I don’t mean to do it, but well, you’re typically the only person around me when I freak so you get the brunt of it. I will try to do better.

I wait and wait and wait for my instructions phone call. Totally not what I expected. Continue at the same doesages tonight. I am to come in tomorrow morning for yet another round of bloodwork and ultrasound. Why so soon, I asked? Well, the follicles on Tuesday really weren’t worth measuring, and now you have a lot that have taken the lead, so we want to see how they are tomorrow. There are lots of them you know. Too many??????? No, not nessesarily too many, just lots, so we want to see what is going on with them in the morning. She sure used the words a lot, a lot, for it to not be too many.

I’m praying, hoping, wishing that this is because they are worried that they will grow too big by Monday, so they want to figure out if I should be doing the trigger shot over the weekend. And not that I have too many follicles and they want to cancel me. Michelle said 5 was her limit.

Wait. It just hit me that they don’t run bloodwork on the weekends. Crap. Now I’ve got a whole other thing to worry about.

I may be getting a little tired of this roller coaster.

So, another round of bloodwork and ultrasound this morning. In which the ultrasound tech (who has zero personality I might add) says:

“You are polycystic, even if the doctors haven’t told you that, you are”

Oh. Well then, why am I not on metformin????????????

Right ovary-2 little ones 9ish
Left ovary-6 follies measuring–11, 12.4, 12.6, 13, 14.2, 10.

I begin to panic. So, my right ovary died, and the other side barely grew?? And I’m polycystic (which I until I started going to this doctor I had assumed-because of facial hair, skin tags, irregular periods, overweight, etc.etc., but they say no.)

I proceed to freak out on Jenn in the car on the way home. I owe her a public apology for that. Sorry that you are my punching bag. I don’t mean to do it, but well, you’re typically the only person around me when I freak so you get the brunt of it. I will try to do better.

I wait and wait and wait for my instructions phone call. Totally not what I expected. Continue at the same doesages tonight. I am to come in tomorrow morning for yet another round of bloodwork and ultrasound. Why so soon, I asked? Well, the follicles on Tuesday really weren’t worth measuring, and now you have a lot that have taken the lead, so we want to see how they are tomorrow. There are lots of them you know. Too many??????? No, not nessesarily too many, just lots, so we want to see what is going on with them in the morning. She sure used the words a lot, a lot, for it to not be too many.

I’m praying, hoping, wishing that this is because they are worried that they will grow too big by Monday, so they want to figure out if I should be doing the trigger shot over the weekend. And not that I have too many follicles and they want to cancel me. Michelle said 5 was her limit.

Wait. It just hit me that they don’t run bloodwork on the weekends. Crap. Now I’ve got a whole other thing to worry about.