Always late

Something else you may not know about me. I am ALWAYS late. It doesn’t matter how hard I try to be on time. It doesn’t matter if I leave my house an hour early to get somewhere that should only take 10 minutes. I am always late.

(Yes, I realize I promised ya’ll a loverly long post about my obsessive behavior…it’ll wait)

Yesterday was Honeydew’s due date. And I was late. I forgot. I didn’t think about it until 8:30pm past night.

I’m sorry Honeydew. You deserve better than that. We miss you. We really do. I’m sorry that your short life was overshadowed by your big brother. I hope that the two of you are having fun together in heaven.

I’m sorry I forgot. Don’t let that make you believe I have forgotten about you. I haven’t, we never will. You are in our thoughts all the time. I just forgot that I had a whole day set aside to mourn you more.

Your mommies love you.

Mingo Monday

It is that time. Yes. Time to get to know me just a little bit better. Yes, you know that I love flamingos. Yes, you know that I am very very odd.

But did you know that I can’t say no to a good craft project?

(In reality I can’t say no to anything, but that is a whole nother story)

So….once upon a time (or…maybe it is a daily activity of mine, you’ll just have to guess which), I was skimming along eBay. I was bored (or…maybe I was at work with nothing better to do) so I put FLAMINGO into the search box. And browsed a little bit. (or…maybe I started with the least expensive and looked straight through to the most?).

Anywho. I came upon an auction for a half a yard of flamingotastic fabric. It had to be mine. For only 99cents and free shipping!! Who could pass such an item up? (shh…I heard you say anyone but me….hush).

And it came in the mail and I showed it to Jenn who jumped for joy at my flamingotastic purchase (or…maybe she rolled her eyes and threatened to take away my PayPal account).

And then that loverly piece of fabric collected dust in my closet for about 2 years.

Until………I was watching a craft show (something I never ever do, I mean who can turn off Food Network long enough to watch a craft show???) and they took themselves a half a yard of fabric and hot glued it to a lamp shade!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my. Wanna take a guess how long it took me to get Jenn into the car to drive to one of them there big box stores to find a cheap lamp???? (yes, much longer than I would have liked) and then off to one of them there crafty stores to get some tackilicious trim???? (again, much longer than I would have liked)

And I became a woman obsessed. First I made this absolutely tackfabulous lamp….

(Jenn chooses to view it kinda like the mom in A Christmas Story views the Leg Lamp.)

And then I made more. I made them for the bedroom…one for the living room. Some people got lamps as gifts for their birthdays that year. No…only the above pictured one came in the absolutely fabulous flamingorific fabric, sorry.

So…tomorrow we shall learn about my obsessiveness. As in, I realize I like something and it becomes my whole entire life…until I am bored of it.

Have a Happy Mingo Monday!!!

Time to make the cookies…..

Well, we have been putting off Christmas stuff day after day. We’ll bake cookies tomorrow. Or tomorrow. Lets do that tomorrow.

Well, it was Christmas Eve Eve last night, so we ran out of tomorrows. We always make YumYums. Jenn lovesloves them. They are made with 1 cup chocolate chips and 2/3 cup peanut butter melted together, stir in 3 cups of Wheaties and drop by the spoonful onto a cookie sheet. Chill. Lick pan and spoon clean. Eat all YumYums in one sitting. Realize that you have to give some away, quadruple the recipe and start again.

Chris has been begging for peanut butter cookies. So we made those too…here they are baking…

Okay, back to YumYums.

Mmmmm peanut butter and chocolate chips melting away in my favorite pot:

Jenn stirring the mix cheerfully (or eating half of it, whichever):

Mixing in the Wheaties:

Trays of YumYums cooling on the patio:

Mingo Monday

The real thing. Yes…I’ve met the real thing many a time–see here–me, flamingos, together!

Today’s pictures are brought to you by Shamu…or Sea World. It is Jenn’s favorite park to go to when we are in Florida. I like the mingos. I do not like feeding the dolphins. They creep me the heck out. (The creepiness was made worse the Jenn got some weird disease from touching the dolphins…only Jenn could do that you know!) I do like the stingrays. They are fun (weird) to feed!!

Did you know that they take the flamingos out for walks? I didn’t either until we happened upon a bunch of chicks taking a stroll with some of the workers!! They were so cute and curious!!!!!

More pictures…just because I can!

(I’ve got Florida on my mind…February 7th won’t get here fast enough)

I’m honored.

And floored.

I talk in real life about Mrs. Spit all the time. I tell Jenn and my friends how I so often feel that Mrs. Spit must be imaginary, because how can any one person feel so much like I do?

But she isn’t. She is even more wonderful than any imaginary friend can be.

She nominated Jenn and I for an award…and we shall graciously accept it. Only because I am a lady and know that turning down such an award would be rude. To be honest, it made me blush and cry. Jenn was even touched to the point of considering a tear, which is huge for Jenn, trust me. Surely there is someone more deserving than us.

Please click here to see the nominations.


If you remember back to the Day after Wednesday, there was much debate in our house about what to do about Christmas. I was totally for ignoring the holiday. Only putting enough effort in to give our families and friends gifts, but not enough to make our home show that there was a holiday approaching. I didn’t win the debate.

And I’m glad I didn’t. We took things one step at a time. We started with the outdoor decorations. It has been tradition that Jenn and I would go to Kmart after Day after Wednesday dinner and pick out a new yard animal. We had our hearts set on an elephant. The Kmart one was wayyyy over priced. S thankfully pointed out that Michael’s had one one sale. And we got her. Please take this video tour of our yard Christmas display:

(why yes, I did fall off the curb at the end there, have I never mentioned that I am a klutz before?)

It was a tossup what to name the elephant. Did we name her Hannah knowing that I call them hannahunts? But we decided Eloise the Elephant was a more accepted sentiment.

Our first Christmas tree was my favorite Christmas tree ever. We were beyond broke. I went out and bought a string of 50 white lights and stapled them to a spot on our wall in the shape of a tree. It was so cute 🙂

Since then we have used fake trees. I hate fake trees. When my family started using fake trees I even went so far as to hide some of the branches under my bed thinking my mom would just give up and go buy a real tree. It didn’t work.

Jenn and I decided that we would save a little money and use fake trees…until there was a child in the house. We didn’t want our children to know of fake trees. We wanted the fun tradition of going out and cutting them down. Drinking hot chocolate and eating chocolate chip cookies. Last year on my favorite holiday-December 26th…Christmas sale shopping day-we bought a tree stand. I was pregnant, safely in the 2nd trimester, there would be a baby next Christmas and we needed a real tree stand.

But with no baby…what should we do? We still wanted to do the real tree. But we kept putting it off. We just weren’t ready. Taking it a step at a time was good for us.

One day on the way home from the hospital I saw a tree lit up in someone’s front window and started bawling. I want a tree, I cried to Jenn. Okay, we will get one. But I want a blue tree. Okay, you want a blue spruce…you got it.

No. I want blue lights and blue ornaments and a blue skirt. A Blue tree. Jenn thought it was a brilliant idea. I went shopping the next night for all the things we would need. I bought balls of different shades of blue and some glittery, and different sizes…I bought blue lights…I bought it all.

Sunday we went out and find our tree. Again taking this a step at a time we didn’t go out and cut it down ourselves or drink hot chocolate or eat cookies. We found a lot and found the most perfect tree. In the sun the bottoms of the needles shown blue. It was the perfect height, and perfect width and just plain perfect.

Now…we have no experience with real trees. Neither of us ever really paid attention when our dads put up the real tree. Had no idea what to do. This created much laughter.

The tree kept falling over. Instead of helping Jenn I laughed until I cried and then took pictures.

We finally got it all figured out and began decorating it.

And if I do say so myself…we have the most beautiful Christmas tree ever.

Blue’s Christmas tree:

Mingo Monday

Friday night we arrived home after Macing 2008 (hopefully this does not imply that there will be a Macing 2009 or any other year) and what to my wondering eyes would appear?? A package, that must have been left by some reindeer!!

I raced into the house as fast as could be to open it. I like packages.

I opened it up and found the most beautiful things. A tackalicious pink Christmas tree (although I don’t see the tacky in it, I just think it is perfect!!!), a Santa and flamingo ornament, and the cutest ever little flamingo print.

They made me melt. The beautiful gifts were sent to my by B and K. These two wonderful women have become Jenn’s and mine’s rocks. They are always just a phone call or text away…always ready to listen, or kick my butt in a game of MarioKart or chase me around in circles and laugh at me in Animal Crossing. I’m telling you the Wii wifi connection is wonderful for connecting us to our friends, who we have never met (hopefully soon???!!!???).

Thank you both so much. Thank you K for calling to check my tackyometer to see if there was anything to tacky for me. Thank you for picking out these wonderful presents. You didn’t need to do that. I am just as thankful for you. Thank you B for making sure they got in the mail. You liar. (she called for our address to “send a Christmas card”)

Do I have any pictures of these wonderful gifts? Um, have you not ever read my blog?? Here they come!

All three:

The awesome flamingo print:

The perfect flamingo ornament:

Thank you so much. I don’t have the words.

Mingo Monday

Friday night we arrived home after Macing 2008 (hopefully this does not imply that there will be a Macing 2009 or any other year) and what to my wondering eyes would appear?? A package, that must have been left by some reindeer!!

I raced into the house as fast as could be to open it. I like packages.

I opened it up and found the most beautiful things. A tackalicious pink Christmas tree (although I don’t see the tacky in it, I just think it is perfect!!!), a Santa and flamingo ornament, and the cutest ever little flamingo print.

They made me melt. The beautiful gifts were sent to my by B and K. These two wonderful women have become Jenn’s and mine’s rocks. They are always just a phone call or text away…always ready to listen, or kick my butt in a game of MarioKart or chase me around in circles and laugh at me in Animal Crossing. I’m telling you the Wii wifi connection is wonderful for connecting us to our friends, who we have never met (hopefully soon???!!!???).

Thank you both so much. Thank you K for calling to check my tackyometer to see if there was anything to tacky for me. Thank you for picking out these wonderful presents. You didn’t need to do that. I am just as thankful for you. Thank you B for making sure they got in the mail. You liar. (she called for our address to “send a Christmas card”)

Do I have any pictures of these wonderful gifts? Um, have you not ever read my blog?? Here they come!

All three:

The awesome flamingo print:

The perfect flamingo ornament:

Thank you so much. I don’t have the words.